
Description Sedan Van Mini bus Limousine Bus
Maximum number of passengers 3 6-8 15-20 7 48-55
Transfer airport-city 35 EUR 60 EUR 120 EUR 200 EUR 200 EUR
Transfer return city-airport-city 50 EUR 100 EUR 180 EUR 300 EUR 300 EUR
Daily rent-city 4 hrs/100km limit 120 EUR 120 EUR 200 EUR 500 EUR 400 EUR
Daily rent-city 10 hrs/200km limit 200 EUR 200 EUR 300 EUR 700 EUR 600 EUR
Longer routes(price per km) one way 1 EUR/km 1.20 EUR/km 1.60 EUR/km call call
Longer routes(price per km)both ways 0.50 EUR/km 0.60 EUR/km 0.80 EUR/km call call
Waiting per started hour for longer routes 10 EUR 10 EUR 10 EUR call call
Car day(stagnancy of a vehicle) for longer routes 100 EUR 100 EUR 100 EUR 100 EUR 200 EUR


– Vehicles are rented exclusively with drivers.
– The above prices are approximate subject to final calculation depending upon customer’s specific needs.
– For late night airport transfers after 11 P.M. up to 7 A.M., 5 EUR should be added on offered price for sedan vehicles and 10 EUR should be added on offered price for van&minibus vehicles.
– Prices include:  driver, fuel, vehicle and passenger insurance, baggage.
– On trips lasting longer than one day, customers shall be responsible for driver’s food and accommodation costs.
– For foreign trips, the above prices shall be adjusted and include additional costs for taxes, tolls, parking, etc.
– Prices do not include VAT (+20%).
– Payments shall be made exclusively in RSD calculated against the EFG Bank Serbia exchange rates.
– Please note that we accept your payment only if you accept the transaction costs of the bank transfer (in SWIFT subject charge of payment must be declare OUR).
– Card Payments will be subject to a 4% surcharge.


You are looking for a Chauffeur-driven sedan business or economic class, business minivan, minibus or VIP - Bus in Belgrade/Serbia?